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Monday, July 17, 2023

WHO Launches RESPECT Women: Can Digital Tools End Violence Against Women?

WHO Launches RESPECT Women: Can Digital Tools End Violence Against Women?

Violence against women and girls continues to be a global crisis, affecting millions and perpetuating gender inequality and discrimination. To address this pressing issue, the World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with UN Women, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), launched the RESPECT Women website. This new online platform aims to drive concrete actions, policies, and programs to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. The launch took place during the Women Deliver Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, a gathering focused on advancing gender equality and the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls. This article explores the significance of the RESPECT Women initiative and highlights the crucial role of digital resources in ending violence against women and promoting gender equality and health.

The Scope of Violence Against Women and Girls

Globally, nearly one in three women experiences physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, often perpetrated by an intimate partner. This alarming statistic underscores the scale of gender inequality and human rights violations faced by women worldwide. Dr. Pascale Allotey, Director of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research at WHO, emphasizes that governments must invest in evidence-based resources for violence prevention and response while advancing gender equality.

The Role of Digital Resources in Ending Violence Against Women

The RESPECT Women website, launched during the Women Deliver Conference, aligns with the Action Coalition for ending gender-based violence. This coalition, co-led by WHO and UN Women, seeks to address the pervasive issue of violence that affects millions of women and girls globally and leads to devastating health impacts. The user-friendly and interactive platform provides practical support for implementing the RESPECT Women framework's seven evidence-based strategies. It offers briefs on successful program implementation, training materials, and multimedia resources for advocacy.

The RESPECT Framework: Progress and Challenges

The RESPECT framework, introduced in 2019, has been implemented in 16 countries, demonstrating positive outcomes. However, data from a WHO report indicates that only 40% of countries include essential RESPECT strategies in their national policies for addressing violence against women. These strategies include empowering women, ensuring relevant services, and transforming gender attitudes, beliefs, and norms. Greater commitment from governments and stakeholders is crucial to expanding the adoption of the RESPECT framework and achieving lasting change.

WHO's Contributions to Ending Violence Against Women

Recognizing the pivotal role of the health sector in combating violence against women and girls, WHO is actively engaged in various initiatives to fulfill commitments and promote gender equality. Noteworthy efforts include:

  1. Prevalence Estimates and Visualization Database: In 2021, WHO published global, regional, and country prevalence estimates for violence against women and girls, accompanied by an interactive visualization database. This data is essential for raising awareness and informing evidence-based policies and interventions.

  2. Support in Humanitarian Settings: In countries facing conflict, natural disasters, and other emergencies, WHO supports 21 nations in strengthening health responses to gender-based violence. This assistance is vital in ensuring that women and girls receive appropriate care and support during crises.

  3. Clinical Protocols for Survivor-Centered Care: WHO is assisting countries in developing comprehensive, survivor-centered healthcare protocols for tackling violence against women and girls. In 2022, 71 countries reported using WHO guidelines and tools for this purpose, contributing to improved care and support for survivors.

  4. Addressing Female Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage: WHO provides care services for girls and women at risk of or affected by female genital mutilation and child marriage, including a training package for health workers to support prevention counseling.

Advancing Gender Equality: A Critical Moment

In collaboration with the UN Special Programme for Human Reproduction (HRP) and the Implementing Best Practice (IBP) Network, WHO actively supports Women Deliver 2023. This engagement aims to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender equality, and universal access to healthcare. The new Resource Finder for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights facilitates access to critical information and resources.


The launch of the RESPECT Women website at the Women Deliver Conference represents a significant step towards combatting violence against women and promoting gender equality and health. As governments and stakeholders invest in evidence-based resources, concrete actions can be taken to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. Digital tools, like the RESPECT Women platform, play a pivotal role in supporting these efforts, empowering communities, and fostering lasting positive change. Together, through concerted action and a commitment to gender equality, we can build a world where women and girls are safe, empowered, and free from violence.

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